Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Statement of Purpose

When you apply to a college or university, they ask you to write your "Statement of Purpose." I've always had a hard time with those essays. It seems so broad; we all have big dreams and schemes for our lives, and 250 words is just not enough room to unpack them all.

Fortunately, this "Statement of Purpose" is somewhat more clear-cut (and doesn't have an arbitrary word limit). The goal of this, my first post, is to tell why I decided to start Illumine and what you can expect to find here on your subsequent visits.

Put simply, I love books. (Well, most books. I don't love Economics textbooks and I don't love dime-store romance novels.) I do, however, love historical fiction and fantasy. I enjoy biography and inspirational writing. I like books on Physics and books on kittens. I read teen lit and sci-fi and political thrillers and poetry. And many, many more. For the purpose of this blog, I will be reviewing mainly fiction, especially novels. But I hope to branch out from time to time.

Each week I will choose one of the new releases to read and review. (Books, like DVDs and CDs are usually released on Monday or Tuesday of each week.) Initially, I will choose based on my own interests. But I hope that my readers will weigh in and let me know if there is an upcoming release they'd like me to review.

I hope you enjoy reading my posts, and I look forward to seeing you here every week for the latest reviews.

Now, I'm going to pull out my most recent acquisition, Agincourt by Bernard Cornwell, and get to reading. See you soon!


1 comment:

  1. This is very ambitious of you! I look forward to seeing what becomes of your book review blog.
